I´ve found some more clues on the assassination of the Poland President Lech Kaczynski by the FSB (Ex-KGB).
According to the Romanian news site :
"Polish presidential plane crash that killed all 96 passengers who absolutely inexplicable considering the sophisticated equipment and experienced drivers presidential aircraft.Sources in the Ministry of Defense said in Warsaw excusivitate for Romanian Global News that the Russian military conducted military base in the area of Smolensk in the past practice with electromagnetic weapons.
In 2008, Moscow announced it has created the most powerful weapon electromagnetic awards of all time, announced when Russian publication Pravda.
"The immense power generated, it comes billion watts, and everything in some extremely small size for such an event. Innovation is that electromagnetic pulses emitted by the new weapon is much shorter, but extremely powerful, allowing a person who uses her lie down on a simple table, "said Gennady Mesyats, vice president of the Russian Academy of Science and director of the Lebedev Physics Institute."
The plan was to kill Lech´s brother, Jaruslaw Kaczynski, too, that was listed to the flight but stayed in Poland because of the health conditions of his mother.
Below, the news full (too articles)
Encontrei mais evidências do assassinato do presidente polonês, Lech Kaczynski, pela FSB (ex-KGB).
De acordo com o site de notícias da Romênia, /Global News:
"O acidente com o avião presidencial da Polônia que matou todos os 96 passageiros é absolutamente inexplicável considerando o sofisticado equipamento a bordo e a experiência dos pilotos.Fontes no Ministério da Defesa em Varsóvia disseram , com exclusividade para o Global News da Romênia que os russos conduziram exercícios militares numa base na área de Smolensk (onde o acidente ocorreu) utilizando armas eletromagnéticas.
Em 2008, Moscou anunciou que havia criado a mais poderosa aram eletromagnética de todos os tempos, segundo reportagem do Pravda.
"A imensa força gerada, que chega aos bilhões de watts, e tudo por meio de uma arma de pequeno tamanho para tanto efeito. A inovação é que a o pulso eletromagnético emitido pela nova arma é muito mais curto, mas extremamente forte, permitindo a uma pessoa que a use,esconder-se abaixo de uma simples mesa" disse Gennady Mesyats, vice presidente da Academia Russa de Ciências e Diretor do Instituto Lebedev de Física"
O plano era para assassinar também o irmão de Lech, Jaruslaw Kaczynski, que também estava listado no vôo, mas não compareceu, devido à doença de sua mãe.
Abaixo, as notícias (dois artigos inteiros, em inglês),
Smolensck, premeditated murder? Romanian raised question marks are beginning to acknowledge Global News | ![]() | ![]() |
Bucuresti, Romania/Romanian Global News Bucharest, Romania / Romanian Global News | |
marţi, 13 aprilie 2010 Tuesday, April 13, 2010 | |
. Romanian Global News was the only representative of the media in Romania has made and put into a criminal intent to Smolensck aviation tragic event in which the entire infrastructure of the state anti-Russian Poland was exterminated. People informed, the security structures of NATO, even if not officially confirmed yet, increasingly take more into account the existence of a plan to eliminate anti-Russian leadership of the Polish state. And the opportunity was unique. Never in a single plane , Russia has so many important enemies, over the territory or near a military base equipped with electric and electromagnetic weapons systems. It was an opportunity that former KGB agent Vladimir Putin could not miss. This is the ABC's philosophy of security guard services czarist Russian secret until now. For the FSB, GRU, SVR, ie for all secret structure resulting from the shadow of the Russian state, this time amid encountered a Polish imprudent information structures, which in turn will have to be investigated, it was just a routine operation, which in technical terms is called "annihilation of anti-Russian political and military leaders in an enemy country." Campaign coverage by "human error", the destabilization of sudden and total equipment on board, made the misinformation services in Russia, but also the influence of its agencies in other states, but not able to remove suspicion of evidence of a criminal actions. It was hoped that the plane be both Kaczynski brothers. Well this is an error that Moscow would pay for many years from here. For reasons of poor health of their mother, former Prime Minister Jaroslaw Kaczynski has never boarded all passengers that appear on the list sent to Moscow. Jaroslaw Kaczynski is likely to be the next president of Poland. And he will know things as they are and not as they strive to be Moscow. Actually specialized people that can not be fooled by the disinformation campaign launched after the tragic event, indirectly confirming suspicions began Romanian Global News . Our colleagues from Evenimentul Zilei B1 TV aired a program that will invite you to follow in the master Caesar Osiceanu . Russian version giving justice indirectly contradicts the hypothesis Romanian Global News .
Partea l Part I Partea ll Part ll In turn, Polish media now more concerned about the funeral of those exterminated in the event begins to ask questions and get dezmeticeasca. "A preliminary analysis of the conversations indicate that the aircraft crew, 26 years old, was in good working order, write thenews.pl acquired by Evenimentul Zilei. Initially, the media speculated that the tragedy is the poor state of the device, noting that in the past 40 years, 60 such planes have crashed. Head of production plant in Tupolev, Alexei Gussev said the aircraft was recently refurbished and engines have been repaired. Russian investigators incline to a variant of pilot error. Traffic controllers at the airport of Smolensk he had advised the crew not to land, warning them that dense fog which reduced visibility. They have suggested pilots trying to land at the airport in Minsk and Moscow. Chief Pilot, Arkadiusz Protasiuk, ignored the demand controllers and decided landing at the airport in Smolensk. He tried four times. A colleague of his, Tomasz Pietrzak, who has flown several times on such devices, said that so far no evidence that Protasiuk tried four times to get off the plane "...
Israeli media expressed doubts about the official version of the causes of the accident near Smolensk. Israeli'll publish them some are inclined to see in this incident a "Kremlin-style murder, inform izrus.co.il acquired by jurnal.md. The main Israeli media sources on the third day official contest iile'll explain the causes accident near Smolensk, which killed President Lech Kaczynski pre AND AND other Polish officials'll height. Many commentators believe that this tragedy was staged by the Kremlin, which he "hated" by Kaczynski, because of his anti-Russian views. The first Israeli media has acted'll mention a possible involvement of Putin, was the second ITV channel. "Kaczynski was en mantle AND IE AND bullfighter for Putin Medvedev, said on the evening of April 10, news editor of S department its clients, Arad Nir. S News presenter stressed that as long as the investigation is carried AND time under the supervision Putin T is less likely to ever know the truth about the causes of the accident. The next day, on April 11, any speculation already printed edition theme iile'll conspire'll get theory. "The Poles, who are accustomed AND odd'll feel surrounded by'll go AND Mani, can hardly believe that all political and military leadership has disappeared as a result of an accident caused by a tragic set of circumstances'll s, technical defect'll shares AND the human factor, "wrote Yediot Ahronot newspaper. Ha'aretz newspaper added:" In the first hours after the accident in Poland has become prevalent theory of conspiring'll take Ş s Russian involvement in the accident airplane on background'll get tense relations between Kaczynski AND Putin. "Publish'll take Maariv AND went further and named his' s article" The smell of liquidation. "Moscow has promised to investigate, Putin became head of the committee of inquiry Ş, but is less likely that'll ever reveal the truth to emerge," the article says. The site of that of NRG AND'll publish them, public "targeted assassination accusation'll iile Kremlin-style story'll be accompanied in the coming years, always possible." A leading political commentator, Ynet Attila Somfalvi wrote on "Facebook" that "he never could bear on the Russian AND AND knew and now these are the main suspects'll." Post and even S-Hadrei Be'll take religious Haredi, which 'll usually do not pay attention its clients policy ie maintaining its clients: "It is possible that Russia and its leaders, who, less T said it is not sympathetic to the pre AND President Kaczynski, behind them it'll die . In the afternoon of April 11 reasons Polish plane crash AND respiratory protection in Smolensk region was discussed by journalists and analysts Ş Ş Ş know keep its clients in the business of public radio station Reshet Bet. Most of the presence of'll've argued that Putin is directly involved in the death of President Kaczynski AND price.
Smolensk: Resume news on Romanian Global News , April 10, 2010 Saturday, hours after the tragedy of Smolensk Polish: Exclusive: anti-Russian leadership of the Polish State exterminated near a Russian military base near Smolensk sâmbătă, 10 aprilie 2010 Saturday, April 10, 2010 Update: Update:
UPDATE: President Polish brother, former Prime Minister Jaroslaw Kaczynski, was not he staying in the presidential plane to Warsaw. Polish official sources estimate that it will definitely run in future elections for president and has the chance to follow his brother to the president of the Polish state. The plane that was president of Poland Lech Kaczynski, his wife and his twin brother, former Prime Minister Jaroslaw Kaczynski, with Franciszek Gągor, Polish army Chief of Staff, National Security Bureau chief, and chief Paweł Wypych "CNSAS- map "Polish collapsed in Russia, a military airport near Smolensk, near the border with Belarus, forward Romanian Global News . The list of victims is passed numerous anti-Russian victims of which would be remembered Władysław Stasiak, the head of presidential administration, Aleksander Szczygło, National Security Bureau chief, Paweł Wypych, state secretary in the office of the President of Poland, Mariusz Handzlik - secretary in administration presidential Andrzej Kremer, vice minister of foreign affairs, Franciszek Gągor, chief of the Polish army, Andrzej Przewoźnik, vice-president and secretary of the committee to commemorate victims of the Katyn massacre, Grzeogrz Dolniak - Member of Staff, Przemyslaw Gosiewski and Zbigniew Wassermann, both members Staff of the Polish. Polish presidential plane crash that killed all 96 passengers who absolutely inexplicable considering the sophisticated equipment and experienced drivers presidential aircraft. Sources in the Ministry of Defense said in Warsaw excusivitate for Romanian Global News that the Russian military conducted military base in the area of Smolensk in the past practice with electromagnetic weapons. In 2008, Moscow announced it has created the most powerful weapon electromagnetic awards of all time, announced when Russian publication Pravda. "The immense power generated, it comes billion watts, and everything in some extremely small size for such an event. Innovation is that electromagnetic pulses emitted by the new weapon is much shorter, but extremely powerful, allowing a person who uses her lie down on a simple table, "said Gennady Mesyats, vice president of the Russian Academy of Science and director of the Lebedev Physics Institute. A weapon of this type can interfere with electronic equipment and engines of any aircraft, military sources said the Romanian Global News . It is very difficult to detect because a short period of use electromagnetically beam. Kaczynskii brothers were some of the strongest defenders of Polish politicians Polish national interests, both from Moscow and towards Germany and Brussels. Under their administration one of the largest Russian espionage networks that service the entire tick counter Polish military was destroyed, this is one of the hardest blows that Moscow has collected in the NATO area. |
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International terrorists from FSB Russia murdered Polish President with EMP
By Jane BurgermeisterInternational terrorists from FSB Russia murdered Polish President with EMP
Publication time: 14 April 2010, 12:54
Kavkaz Center
The Romanian Global News was the only outlet of the Rumanian media which reported about the attack of international terrorists from the FSB Russia against the plane of the Polish President in Smolensk, in which the whole Polish elite had been exterminated. The Rumanian agency cites its sources in the security structures of the NATO. The report has not been officially confirmed yet, but increasing evidence testifies that the Russians really eliminated the leadership of Poland in the most brutal crime of this century.
The opportunity was unique for Russia. Russia never had so many enemies seated in one plane over its territory or near a military base equipped with electronic and electromagnetic weapons systems. It was an opportunity that former KGB agent Vladimir Putin could not miss.
To murder enemies was the ABC of philosophy for security services in the Czarist Russia, which remains intact until now. For the FSB, GRU, SVR and for all other Russian secret services it was just a routine operation, which they call in technical terms "the annihilation of anti-Russian political and military leaders of an enemy country."
The Russian claim of a "human error" and other Russian disinformation campaigns can not conceal the fact of a sudden and total failure of all the equipment on board the plane and free the Russians of suspicions that they destroyed the plane in a terrorist attack.
It is a crime that Moscow would have to pay for many years ahead. The Russian state terrorists initially wanted to eliminate the President and his brother, a former Prime Minister Jaroslaw Kaczynski. He didn't board the death plane only by chance, his mother was ill.
Jaroslaw Kaczynski is likely to be the next president of Poland.
Actually, informed people can not be fooled by the Russian disinformation campaign launched after the tragedy, indirectly confirming suspicions disclosed by the Romanian Global News.
The Rumanian Evenimentul Zilei B1 TV aired a program about the tragedy with Caesar Osiceanu as moderator. The Russian version of events contradicts the information received by the Romanian Global News, the program reported.
In its turn, the Polish media is now more concerned with funerals of politicians exterminated by the Russians in the plane crash rather than starting to ask questions and get uneasy.
"A preliminary analysis of the conversations indicate that the 26-year old plane was in good working condition, writes the news.pl.
Initially, the media speculated that the tragedy could have been caused by a poor state of the Russian-made Polish plane, noting that in the past 40 years, 60 such planes crashed. Six of them crashed in the last five years. The head of the production team at the Tupolev plant Alexei Gusev said the aircraft was recently refurbished and its engines were repaired.
The traffic controllers at the airport of Smolensk presumably advised the Polish pilot not to land, warning that a dense fog reduced visibility.
They suggested to the pilots to try to land in the airport of Minsk or Moscow. The Chief Pilot, Arkadiusz Protasiuk, presumably ignored the advice of the Russian controllers and decided to land in the airport in Smolensk. He presumably tried it four times.
A colleague of the now dead pilot, Tomasz Pietrzak, who flew several times such Russian planes, said there is no evidence so far that Protasiuk really tried four times to land in Smolensk.
The crash of the Polish President's plane which caused the death of all 96 passengers is absolutely inexplicable because of the sophisticated electronic equipment on board and experienced pilots.
Sources in the Polish Ministry of Defense in Warsaw reported exclusively to the Romanian Global News that Russian military carried out experiments in the past with electromagnetic weapons on its military base in the area of the military airfield where the plane of the Polish president tried to land.
In 2008, Moscow said it had created the most powerful electromagnetic weapon of all time, known as the EMP (electromagnetic pulse), the Russian paper Pravda reported.
"The immense power of billions of watts is being generated, and the weapon is of extremely small size. The innovation is that electromagnetic pulses emitted by the new weapon is much shorter, but extremely powerful, "said Gennady Mesyats, the Vice President of the Russian Academy of Science and director of the Lebedev Physics Institute.
"Such small weapon has never been created in the past and yet it is extremely powerful. . There were similar devices, made during the Cold War, but their size was huge. Our device is at least 10 times more powerful than any weapon created abroad," said Mikhail Yaladin, a scientist credited with the development of the electromagnetic super weapon.
Any electronic equipment fails to operate in the near of the electromagnetic device, when the generator is running. The device was shown in Yekaterinburg. According to Russian military scientists, it produces results similar to a lightning stroke or a nuclear explosion. The weapon was called Nika, after the Greek goddess of victory.
A weapon of this type can interfere with electronic equipment and engines of any aircraft, Polish military sources said to the Romanian Global News. It is very difficult to detect it because of a short period of the use of the electromagnetic beam.
Kaczynski brothers were among the strongest defenders Polish national interests, both from Moscow and from Germany and Brussels.
Under their leadership, one of the largest Russian spy networks has been destroyed by the Polish military counterintelligence. This is one of the hardest blows that Moscow has ever got in the NATO area.
The Rumanian news agency is not the only one who distrusts the Russians.
"Israeli" media outlets do not trust the official Russian version about the causes of the plane crash near Smolensk as well, the Rumanian Global News says. Some of them are inclined to see a Kremlin-style murder in this incident, reports the izrus.co.il.
Many analyst believe that the tragedy was staged by the Kremlin, which hated Kaczynski, because of his anti-Russian stance.
On April 10, the first "Israeli" TV channel as well as the second one mentioned a possible involvement of Putin in the death of the Polish president.
Next day, on April 11, doubts were expressed in the print media.
"The Poles can hardly believe that all political and military leadership disappeared as a result of an accident caused by a tragic set of circumstances, technical defects and a human factor", writes the Yediot Ahronot newspaper.
The Ha'aretz newspaper adds:" In the first hours after the accident, a possibility of a Russian involvement prevailed in the Polish media because of tense relations between Kaczynski and Putin.
The Maariv went further and titled its article "A smell of liquidation".
"Moscow has promised to investigate, Putin became the head of the investigation committee, but it is unlikely that the truth would be ever revealed,", the article says.
The NRG Web site says that "the accusation in a targeted Kremlin-style assassination will accompany the story in the coming year"
A leading political analyst, Attila Somfalvi wrote in the "Facebook" that "the Russians are now the main suspects".
On April 12, the newspaper Ha'aretz noted that Russian solidarity with Poland in the Smolensk tragedy is only meant to deceive the world.
Department of Monitoring
Kavkaz Center
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